In the Moroccan Central High Atlas, between the Bathonian and the Aptian, marine deposits are present in three continental formations. Known to be unfossiliferous for the main part, they are attributed to the Middle Jurassic or to the Lower Cretaceous, depending on the authors. Charophytes from the top of the second formation (Iouaridene Fm), and from the base of the third one (Jbel Sidal Formation), give an Upper Hauterivian–Lower Barremian age. Thanks to these biostratigraphical data, it has been possible to distinguish the different phases of the magmatic activity and the synsedimentary tectonic events, either linked to the closure of Tethyan Atlasic troughs during the Bathonian or associated with the development of the new basins, diachronous in the Atlasic Belt, during the Lower Cretaceous.
continental Red Beds, charophytes, Hauterivian, Barremian, High Atlas, Morocco