
Sedimentary facies of the late Middle Eocene Pondaung Formation (central Myanmar) and the palaeoenvironments of its Anthropoid Primates

Aung Naing SOE, MYITTA, Aye Ko TUN, Tin AUNG, Bernard THEIN, Stéphane MARANDAT, Jean-Jacques DUCROCQ & Jean-Jacques JAEGER

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 1 (3) - Pages 153-160

Published on 30 June 2002

The primate-bearing Pondaung Formation (northwestern part of central Myanmar) is mainly composed of cyclic sequences of sandstones and variegated clays that are divisible into 12 lithofacies and are grouped under seven facies associations. These established facies associations represent the deposition in a fluvio-deltaic environment. The anthropoid primate remains occur in swale-fill sediments, sometimes in carbonate nodules of pedogenetic origin and also, in small crevasse channel deposits of the upper part of the Pondaung Formation. The sedimentary facies associated to these anthropoid primates contribute to the understanding of their morpho-anatomic features.


Pondaung Formation, Eocene, fluvio-deltaic, swale-fill, anthropoid primates, Myanmar

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