
First record of fossil angiosperm wood (Ulmoxylon, Ulmaceae) from the famous locality of Bı́lina (Czech Republic, Early Miocene)


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 1 (3) - Pages 161-166

Published on 30 June 2002

A fossil angiosperm wood is described for the first time from the famous Early Miocene locality of Bı́lina. It represents a fossil elm wood, attributed to Ulmoxylon marchesonii Biondi. The fossil wood can be compared to extant North American soft elms, also to Ulmus macrocarpa Hance and U. parvifolia Jacq. from China or to the European common elm U. carpinifolia Gled. The wood together with fossil leaves/fruits of Ulmus pyramidalis Goeppert forms a single natural fossil species that lived in the Bı́lina area during the Early Miocene. The influence of two types of preservation, permineralised and xylitic, on the same wood species is also discussed.


Bı́lina, Czech Republic, Early Miocene, fossil angiosperm wood, type of preservation, Ulmoxylon marchesonii , Ulmus pyramidalis

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