A new Huayquerian Glyptodontidae Sclerocalyptinae, Trachycalyptus achirense nov. gen, nov. sp., from the Bolivian Altiplano has been discovered. This Lomaphorini displays what seems to be an apomorphic state for the morphology of the tail; in this respect it is rather similar to the species of the Mesopotamian-Chapadmalalian genus Trachycalyptus. Nevertheless the morphology of the dorsal osseous plates is plesiomorphic in relation to that of Trachycalyptus and the others Lomaphorini. Another Huayquerian taxon belonging to the Megatheriidae Nothrotheriinae, Xyophorus villarroeli nov. sp. is decribed from the Bolivian Altiplano. This new ground sloth is the most recent species of the genus Xyophorus.
Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae, Sclerocalyptinae, Megatheriidae, Nothrotheriinae, Huayquerian, Miocene, Altiplano, Bolivia