39 localities within the Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian sequence of the Ardenne-Artois area yield vertebrate species which allow correlation with at least the vertebrate succession of the Welsh Borderland, England, and of Spitsbergen. Invertebrate fossils and palynomorphs suggest a correlation with the marine facies elsewhere in Europe. Relating the vertebrate biostratigraphy to that of conodont-graptolite-dacryoconarids is problematic but the postulated acme of the local vertebrate faunas in the lower crouchi zone of Artois may be related to the high sea level of the eurekaensis zone, and the impoverishment of the upper leachi and lower dunensis zones to the low sea level of the upper Lochkovian-Pragian.
Upper Silurian, Lower Devonian, vertebrates, northern France (Artois), southern Belgium (Ardenne), biostratigraphy, correlation