Pterygoneurum sampaianum (Guim.) Guim. is newly recorded in Tunisia and in France. Molecular data from French and Tunisian samples support the specific rank of P. sampaianum and allow for a clear differentiation from P. ovatum (Hedw.) Dixon in cases where the morphology appears to be transitional between the species. By including a molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence data obtained from European representatives of the genus, we could re-evaluate the phylogenetic affinities of P. sampaianum which was found to be close to the recently described P. papillosum Oesau. Based on the molecularly guided identifications, we provide an amended detailed description of P. sampaianum and report on ecological and chorological details of the newly recorded specimens.
Pottiaceae, chorology, trnM-trnV, rps4, specific status, new records