As a result of our recent fieldwork, 16 bryophytes including three liverworts (Clevea hyalina (Sommerf.) Lindb., Lophocolea fragrans (Moris & De Not.) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees, Riella mediterranea Segarra, Puche, Sabovlj., M.Infante & Heras) and 13 mosses (Bryum gemmilucens R.Wilczek & Demaret, B. gemmiparum De Not., Fissidens crassipes Wilson ex Bruch & Schimp. subsp. warnstorfii (M.Fleisch.) Brugg.-Nann., F. fontanus (Bach. Pyl.) Steud., F. ovatifolius R.Ruthe, Grimmia dissimulata E.Maier, Homalothecium meridionale (M.Fleisch. & Warnst.) Hedenäs, Hygroamblystegium varium (Hedw.) Mönk. var. varium, Isothecium myosuroides Brid., Orthotrichum comosum F.Lara, R.Medina & Garilleti, Philonotis marchica (Hedw.) Brid., Seligeria acutifolia Lindb., Schistidium helveticum (Schkuhr) Deguchi) have been newly recorded in Tunisia. The localities of these taxa are briefly described, and their distinguishing criteria are specified with comments on taxonomy and variability. This work raises the number of known taxa in Tunisia from 334 to 350.
Maghreb, floristics, liverworts, mosses, new records