The epiphytic bryophyte communities of the Altindere Valley (Maçka, Trabzon, Turkey) were studied. A total of 59 relevés, taken from living tree trunks in different vegetation periods of 2018 and 2020, were analysed according to the Braun-Blanquet methodology, and the relevés were also ordinated and classified using the Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DECORANA) and the Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). As a result of the analyses, Alleniella besseri-Leucodontetum immersi as. nov., Plagiomnio undulati-Raduletum lindbergianae typicum and P.-R. leucodontetosum sciuroidis subas. nov. (Neckerion complanatae) were described and characterised as a new epiphytic. Mnietum cuspidati, Homalothecio sericei-Neckeretum besseri and Brachythecietum populei-isothecietosum alopecuroidis were also described as new to Turkey, whereas Brachythecietum populei typicum was recorded for the second time in Turkey.
Communities, epiphytic bryophytes, phytosociology, TWINSPAN, DECORANA