
An evaluation of the endemic bryophyte flora of Guadeloupe


en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 41 (15) - Pages 205-214

Published on 14 October 2020

The Guadeloupe archipelago has a rich bryophyte flora with 633 species, including 19 species considered endemic to Guadeloupe. Most of the endemic species are only known from type material and are of doubtful taxonomic status. An examination of the types and literature leads to the recognition of three confirmed endemic species in the Guadeloupe archipelago: Frullania trigona L.Clark, Jovet-Ast & Frye, Riccardia innovans (Steph.) Pagán and Trichosteleum glaucinum (Besch.) A.Jaeger. All three are very rare and only known from the type. Field searches to locate further populations were unsuccesful. The remaining “endemic” species are not restricted to Guadeloupe and most of them are synonyms of widely distributed taxa. Nine new synonyms and four new lectotypifications are proposed. The study shows that bryophyte endemism in the Guadeloupe archipelago is 0.5%. The results confirm the notion that endemism in bryophytes is low.


Confirmed endemics, geographical distribution, rejected endemics, Frullania trigona, Riccardia innovans, Trichosteleum glaucinum, lectotypifications, Guadeloupe.

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