The genus Colura (Dumort.) Dumort. is morpho-taxonomically investigated in India and eight species have been recognized mainly distributed in three different bryo-geographical regions of the country. Colura corynophora (Nees, Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. is reported here for the first time from India, C. leratii (Steph.) Steph. is added to the East Himalayan bryogeographical territory, C. acroloba (Prantl) Jovet-Ast, C. ari (Steph.) Steph. and C. conica (Sande Lac.) K.I. Goebel are new additions to Mizoram, while C. tenuicornis (A. Evans) Steph. is a new report to the state of Meghalaya.
Colura, India, Harmophyllum, Glotta