
Actualités scientifiques / Recensions d’ouvrages

Nicolas MORAND, Patricia CHIQUET & Rémi BERTHON

fr Anthropozoologica 57 (13) - Pages 271-280

Published on 09 December 2022

Scientific news / Book reviews

Caseau B. & Monchot H. (éds) 2022. — Religion et interdits alimentaires : archéozoologie et sources littéraires. Peeters (coll. Orient & Méditerranée ; 38), Leuven, 250 p.

Auxiette G. & Hachem L. 2021. — Farm, Hunt, Feast, Celebrate. Animals and Society in Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age in Northern France. Sidestone Press, Leiden, 342 p.

Heide M. & Peters J. 2021. — Camels in the Biblical World. Penn State University Press (coll. History, Archaeology, and Culture of the Levant; 10), University Park, 432 p.

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