
Anthropozoologica 41 (2)

Published on
31 December 2006

Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean

Edited by Philippe HAMEAU

HAMEAU P. (ed.) 2006. — Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean/Animaux peints et gravés : de la forme au signe. Le bestiaire dans les expressions graphiques post-paléolithiques en Méditerranée occidentale. Anthropozoologica, vol. 41 (2), arts 1-12.
anth41/2 Price :
36,00 €

fr Introduction

Philippe HAMEAU

9-11, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (1)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Art rupestre de Houmian, province du Luristan, Iran

Laurence REMACLE et al.

13-24, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (2)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr L'Homme et les fauves dans le Haut Atlas marocain


29-35, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (3)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Assali-n-Trakfine : la « Grande Dalle » gravée de Youf Eheket (oued Ti-n-Tarabine, Tassili wa-n-Ahaggar, Algérie)


37-55, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (4)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Les figures animales post-paléolithiques de la province de Huesca


57-83, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (5)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Cervidés et serpents dans la mythologie funéraire du mégalithisme ibérique


85-102, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (6)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Animal et expression schématique néolithique dans le sud de la France : entre réel et idéel

Philippe HAMEAU

103-124, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (7)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Chevaux et scènes équestres dans l'art rupestre de l'âge du Fer de la Péninsule ibérique


125-139, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (8)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Les représentations animales dans l'art rupestre linéaire à l'est des Pyrénées : du 2e âge du Fer au Moyen Âge


141-169, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (9)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Place du bestiaire dans le corpus de graffitis gravés aux murs des églises du Bassin Parisien aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles


171-187, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (10)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Référentiel actuel de brebis « Préalpes du Sud » (Digne, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France) : pratiques d'élevage et âges dentaires


191-214, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (11)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU

fr Un site mésolithique de chasse à l'aurochs (La Montagne, Sénas, Bouches-du-Rhône)


215-228, Published on 31 December 2006, art. 41 (12)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Painted and engraved animals: from the form to the sign. Animals in post-Palaeolithic graphic art in the western Mediterranean edited by Philippe HAMEAU