The rockshelter of Dalmeri is situated on the Asiago Plateau (Trento), at an altitude of 1240 m. The late Würmian Tardiglacial stratigraphy présents a sequence of stony levels, with many faunal remains and lithic industry vestiges. Here ibex (which represents 90 % of the remains) but also red deer and roe deer were hunted; the presence of beaver, hare, wolf, marmot and hedgehog has also been reported. Bone remains are highly fragmented. This fragmentation results from animal meat processing and marrow extraction, but also from the use of bones, the action of carnivores (some remains show signs of corrosion due to gastric acids) and natural agents. The surface of several fragments presents grooves typical of the action of a lithic instrument, traces of roots and carnivore and rodent teeth.
Epigravettian, Capra ibex, Capture season, Butchering.