
Late Magdalenian carcase management strategies. The Périgord data

Katherine V. BOYLE

en Anthropozoologica 25-26 - Pages 287-294

Published on 01 June 1998

This article is a part of the thematic issue Proceedings of the 7th ICAZ International Meeting, Constance, September 1994

This paper looks at observed regularities in evidence for carcase processing at Upper Magdalenian sites in South West France. Patterning observed suggests that there are identifiable "carcase management strategies" which are specific to primary as opposed to secondary resources. Results of detailed quantitative analysis of faunal mate rial from sites in the Vézère Valley are described in brief and show that dominant and secondary species were not treated in the same way - differences in processing emerging when both element representation and the abundance and distribution of butchery marks are considered.


Hunting, Magdalenian, butchery, Périgord, reindeer, horse.

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