
Les grands mammifères de la couche 5 de Mutzig I (Bas-Rhin). La subsistance au Paléolithique moyen en Alsace


fr Anthropozoologica 25-26 - Pages 363-374

Published on 01 June 1998

This article is a part of the thematic issue Proceedings of the 7th ICAZ International Meeting, Constance, September 1994

Large mammals of level 5, Mutzig I (Lower Rhine). Middle Palaeolithic subsistence in Alsace

Level 5 of the Mutzig l site is the richest stratum with many lithic and bone remains. The faunal spectrum, where reindeer and horse are dominant, characterizes a Mammoth Steppe and a climate with severe winters and humid summers. This formation dates to the beginning of the Middle Glacial, contemporary with isotopie stage 3. Taphonomic and palethnographic studies clearly show that Neandertal hunted solitary animals or small herds during the summer period.


Alsace, Middle Palaeolithic, isotopic stage 3, taphonomy, hunting.

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