
Feuilles ou fumiers ? Observations sur le rôle des poussières sphérolitiques dans l'interprétation des dépôts archéologiques holocènes


fr Anthropozoologica 24 - Pages 19-30

Published on 30 December 1996

Leaves or manure? Observations on the meaning of spherulitic silts in the interpretation of Holocene archaeological deposits

The detailed study of morphological and mineralogical properties of ligneous angiosperm leaf calcium oxalate crystals and of calcitic spherulites produced by small ruminants allows us to reconsider the existence of Neolithic leaf-foddering. Although clearly documented in waterlogged sites, no proof of this practice has been recovered to date from Mediterranean dry sites.


Geoarchaeology, Leaf-foddering, Calcium oxalate, Calcite spherulite, Phytolith, Neolithic period, Pastoralism.

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