
Khayae (Meliaceae) specierum Nomenclator

Ulrich Gaël BOUKA DIPELET, Jacques FLORENCE, Charles DOUMENGE, Jean Joël LOUMETO & Doyle B. MCKEY

fr Adansonia 39 (1) - Pages 15-30

Published on 30 June 2017

Khayae (Meliaceae) specierum Nomenclator

This article presents an update of the nomenclature of the genus Khaya A. Juss. This genus, limited to continental Africa, Madagascar and the Comores, contains a small number of taxa, from four to six species depending on authors. Names published in the past are not always attached to an appropriate type or require a selection from the syntypes. Taking into account the published literature and as seen from a comprehensive review of herbarium specimens, we proceeded to ten lectotypifications for taxa for which this was required, and one epitypification, to comply with rules of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.


Khaya, mahogany, Africa, Madagascar, lectotypification, epitypification.

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