Many Ouratea species (Ochnaceae) described by Van Tieghem, are located by himself in original genera refused by the further authors. Some numerous confusions resulted, not only at the taxonomical level, but also in the storages in several herbaria. The nomenclature of numerous species described by this author was never revised, so we propose to actualise them in accordance with the International rules of nomenclature, quoting the types specimens and the bibliographical references. The binomes created by this author, including those described in the genus Ouratea sensu Van Tieghem, will be listed alphabetically, genus by genus and in every genus, species by species, with in conclusion, the correct specific name. For numerous species, we have choosen some lectotypes, sometimes new names and some were the object of new combinations.
Ouratea, Van Tieghem, Neotropic, nomenclature, typification, new names, new combinations