The taxonomy of Rutaceae-Toddalieae of Cameroon is revisited on the basis of fertile samples, images of specimens, and systematic literature. Species identification based on the correlation of morphological characters of leaves, inflorescences and fruits, let to recognize four new species including Vepris adamaouae Onana, sp. nov. with the lamina of the leaflets decurrent on the petiolule, slender inflorescences axes and stamens about twice as long as the petals; V. araliopsioides Onana, sp. nov., with 5-folilated leaves and foveolate fruit exocarp; V. letouzeyi Onana, sp. nov. with winged petioles, finely furrowed foveolate fruits exocarp; and V. montisbambutensis Onana, sp. nov. with smaller leaves and fruit compared to other species of the genus. Moreover the material distinguished by the petiolule reduced to a bulge might represent a new species, not yet validated because of the lack of mature flowers and fruits. Toddaliopsis ebolowensis (Engl.) Onana, comb. nov. is lectotypified, allowing the validation of the new combination V. ebolowensis (Engl.) Onana, comb. nov.. The true identity of Teclea campestris and Vepris tabouensis is proposed: they are conspecific with respectively V. heterophylla (Engl.) Letouzey and V. soyauxii (Engl.) Mziray. A key to distinguish species is proposed. New taxa and those with previously confused identification or taxonomic uncertain position are illustrated and their geographical distributions presented.
Cameroon, Vepris, taxonomic revision, key to species, lectotypification, new species, new combination