
Nomenclatural, taxonomic and biogeographic novelties in the Turkish Crataegus L. (Rosaceae-Maleae) taxa


en Adansonia 36 (2) - Pages 245-253

Published on 26 December 2014

Crataegus davisii Browicz is a later homonym of C. davisii Sarg., and the species has been renamed as Crataegus petrodavisii Dönmez, nom. nov., following its acceptance as a valid species. Crataegus × yosgatica K.I.Christ. is reduced to a synonym of C. meyeri Pojark., and an emended description of the species is given here. Crataegus pseudoazarolus Popov, C. pseudoheterophylla Pojark. subsp. turcomanica (Pojark.) K.I.Christ. and Crataegus × lavallei Hérincq ex Lavallée are new records for the Turkish flora. New descriptions of the taxa concerned are provided.


Maleae, Rosaceae, Pyreae, Turkey, new synonym

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