
Notes on African Combretum Loefl. species (Combretaceae)

Carel Christiaan Hugo JONGKIND

en Adansonia 36 (2) - Pages 315-327

Published on 26 December 2014

A new species, new combinations, synonyms, lectotypes and neotypes for Combretum Loefl. (Combretaceae) from continental African and Madagascar are published. Especially the lumping of Combretum platypetalum Welw. ex M.A.Lawson with the older Combretum sericeum G.Don is an important change. Combretum gordonii Jongkind, sp. nov. is newly described, no Combretum species with densely hairy and more or less auriculate leaves in combination with infundibuliform flowers was known yet from Madagascar. The new combinations C. comosum G.Don var. dolichopetalum (Engler & Diels) Jongkind, comb. nov. and C. comosum var. hispidum (M.A.Lawson) Jongkind, comb. nov. are made because the intermediate specimens between the former species did make it untenable to maintain these taxa on species level.


Combretum, plant distribution, Africa, Madagascar, lectotypification, new combinations, new synonyms, new species

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