
Remarks on the type material of Linaria cavanillesii Chav. (Antirrhineae, Veronicaceae)

P. Pablo FERRER-GALLEGO, Llorenç SÁEZ, Emilio LAGUNA, Miguel GUARA & Manuel B. CRESPO

en Adansonia 35 (2) - Pages 365-373

Published on 27 December 2013

Some aspects concerning the type material of Linaria cavanillesii Chav. (Antirrhineae, Veronicaceae), which are conserved in different herbaria, are discussed. This name had previously been lectotypified on Tournefort’s collections that are kept at the herbarium P, though they had been regarded erroneously as syntypes. Evidence is shown on the existence of a duplicate of the lectotype (isolectotype), which is conserved among the Salvador herbarium at BC (Institut Botànic de Barcelona), as well as of syntypes deposited in MA on which the illustration by Cavanilles cited in the protologue was drawn. Historical data are reported on collection sites and dates for all cited syntypes of this name.


Linaria, Antirrhineae, Veronicaceae, Cavanilles, southeastern Spain, lectotypification

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