
Une nouvelle espèce de Neea Ruiz & Pav. (Nyctaginaceae) de la forêt atlantique de l’état de Bahia (Brésil)

Marc PIGNAL, Avaldo de Oliveira SOARES FILHO & Sergio ROMANIUC NETO

fr Adansonia 35 (1) - Pages 19-31

Published on 28 June 2013

A new species of Neea Ruiz & Pav. (Nyctaginaceae) from the Atlantic Forest of Bahia State (Brazil)

Morphological anatomical characters support the description of a new species from Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Neea alumnorum M.Pignal, Soares Filho & Romaniuc, sp. nov. A description of the leaf venation and a brief analysis of the inflorescence are given. This description is accompanied by pictures taken in the field and illustrations of the male flower, inferior epiderm details and leaf venation. A discussion of morphological affinities with the related species is presented, along with a preliminary assessment of its conservation status (VU) based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.


Nyctaginaceae, Neea, Atlantic Forest, Bahia, Brazil, leaf architecture, inflorescence, IUCN Red List, new species

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