
Une nouvelle espèce micro-endémique de Scaevola L. (Goodeniaceae) de Nouvelle-Calédonie en danger critique d'extinction

Adrien S. WULFF & Jérôme MUNZINGER

fr Adansonia 34 (1) - Pages 123-128

Published on 26 June 2012

A new narrow endemic endangered species of Scaevola (Goodeniaceae) from New Caledonia.

A new endemic species of the pantropical genus Scaevola L., S. barrierei A.S.Wulff & Munzinger, sp. nov. is described from New Caledonia. It grows in open shrub land on ultramafic substrate. It is characterized by its coriaceous and pubescent leafs on the abaxial side and its raised yellow flowers, pubescent on the exterior. This species is preliminarily assigned as “critically endangered” (CR) following IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Goodeniaceae, Scaevola, New Caledonia, conservation status, new species
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