
Révision du groupe de l'Aloe divaricata Berger ; correction d'une synonymie, combinaisons nouvelles et description d'un nouvel hybride

Jean-Philippe CASTILLON

fr Adansonia 34 (1) - Pages 13-21

Published on 26 June 2012

Revision of the Aloe divaricata Berger group; correction of a synonymy, new combinations and description of a new hybrid.

A revision of the Aloe divaricata Berger group which currently contains three species (with A.deinacantha T.A.McCoy, Rakouth & Lavranos and A. tulearensis T.A.McCoy & Lavranos) is achieved here. The synonymy between A. deinacantha  and A. divaricata is shown up, we propose the new combination A. divaricata subsp. tulearensis comb. nov., stat. nov. and rehabilitate the species A. vaotsohy Decorse & Poisson as a subspecies of A. divaricata. At last, the hybrid A. divaricata subsp. vaotsohy x A. helenae Danguy is described here under the name x A. anosyana J.-P. Castillon, hybr. nov.

Aloe, Madagascar, revision, new taxa, new hybrid, new combination
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