Based on a botanical specimen perhaps from the Antilles by Plumier which would be used to describe the Antillan version of the prelinnean genus “Jabotapita”, Van Tieghem has described Ouratea plumieri Tiegh. After a historal recall on Ochna jabotapita L. and the synonymies of its various versions, the discussion tells on the validity of Ouratea plumieri comparing with the Plumier’s drawings and with the Antillan species cited by some authors as possible synonyms of Jabotapita described by Plumier. After comparisons, we conclude that Ouratea plumieri does not have any similarities with the Antillan species, but have some with an Indian taxon: Ochna cf. obtusata DC. subsp. pumila (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Panigrahi & Murti (= var. pumila (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Kanis). This sample cannot belong to the Plumier’s collection.