
Euphorbia iranshahri (Euphorbiaceae), a new endemic species from Iran

Amirhossein PAHLEVANI & Valiollah MOZAFFARIAN

en Adansonia 33 (1) - Pages 93-99

Published on 30 June 2011

During the joined study on recently collected specimens and herbarium sheets belonging to the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), a new species, Euphorbia iranshahri Pahlevani, was reported and illustrated as endemic from the Zagros Mountains in Iran. This species is morphologically distinct from E. microsciadia Boiss. by possessing 6-8 rays and ray-leaves, subulate cyathia lobes longer than (or sometimes equal to) anthers, sharp-keeled capsules and smooth seeds.


Euphorbiaceae, Euphorbia, endemic, Iran, Zagros Mountains, new species

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