
Révision du genre africain Rhabdophyllum Tiegh. (Ochnaceae), avec sa distribution au Cameroun et au Gabon

Marcus Simon Maria SOSEF

fr Adansonia 30 (1) - Pages 119-135

Published on 27 June 2008

Revision of the African genus Rhabdophyllum Tiegh. (Ochnaceae) with notes on its distribution within Cameroon and Gabon.

A revision of the African genus Rhabdophyllum Tiegh. is presented, including a key to the species and their distribution within Cameroon and Gabon. The position of the genus within the family Ochnaceae as well as its distinction with other genera of the subtribe Ouratinae is discussed. The view that the subtribe holds four genera, Ouratea Aubl., Campylospermum Tiegh., Idertia Farron and Rhabdophyllum Tiegh. is supported. A new species, R. crassipedicellatum Sosef, is described. The formerly accepted species R. refractum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh. is seen as being conspecific with R. affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Lectotypes are designated wherever necessary and one neotype is proposed.


Ochnaceae, Rhabdophyllum, Africa, Gabon, Cameroon, new species

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