Cynorkis cadetii Bosser, a new endemic species of Orchidaceae from Réunion, is described. It is placed in section Imerinorchis H.Perrier which has about 12 species in Madagascar. It differs from C. nutans (Ridl.) H.Perrier by its few flowered inflorescence with smaller and differently shaped flowers. In Réunion, C. rosellata (Thouars) Bosser belongs to the same section Imerinorchis but the plant is very different. Angraecum oeonioides Bosser, a new endemic species from Madagascar, is described. It is placed in section Hildebrandtiangraecum Schltr. near A. corynoceras Schltr. which has also small yellowish flowers with a short swollen spur. The habit of the plant resembles that of an Oeonia, the specific name being based on that name.