Species of Weinmannia belonging to two sections occur in eastern Malesia and the western Pacific: sect. Fasciculata is largely Malesian, extending as far east as Fiji, and sect. Leiospermum is largely Pacific and occurs as far west as Papua New Guinea. In total, about 20 species occur in the region from New Guinea to the Cook Islands. Weinmannia fraxinea, which is widespread in Malesia, also occurs in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Weinmannia croftii from Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago and Karkar Island) is described as new, and the new combination W . ouaiemensis is published for a species in New Caledonia. There is a high level of endemism within the various island groups of the region, although the status of species from Samoa and the Cook Islands has not been resolved. Regional keys, illustrations and distribution maps are provided.
Weinmannia, Cunoniaceae, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia