
Une espèce nouvelle de Streblus (Moraceae) au Viêtnam : Streblus vidalii T.H. Nguyên

Tiên Hiêp NGUYÊN

fr Adansonia 19 (2) - Pages 263-265

Published on 18 December 1997

Description of a new species of Streblus (Moraceae) from the North of Vietnam, Streblus vidalii T.H. Nguyên. The presence in the female flowers of a style with 4 stigmatic branches (instead of 2 generally) and of 2-3 stamens in the male flowers (instead of 4-5 most often) allows to distinguish it from the other species and to range it in a new section of Streblus, sect. Tetrastigma.


Streblus vidalii, Streblus sect. Tetrastigma, Moraceae, Vietnam

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