Published on 31 July 2000
The dicotyledons gather together about 3600 species presently in French Guyana. The 19 family presented in this fascicle are: Flacourtiaceae, Gentianaceae, Gesneriaceae, Hernandiaceae, Hippocrateaceae, Hugoniaceae, Humiriaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Icacinaceae, Ixonanthaceae, Lacistemataceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Lecythidaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Loganiaceae, Loranthaceae, Lythraceae, Malpighiaceae. A total of 441 species (12.5% from the dicotyledons) is currently reviewed and the collecting distribution mapped. For all species, the worldwide distribution is indicated, and the distribution of their specimens is mapped for French Guyana. A large synonymy information accompanies each taxon. Their distribution according to biological types and habitats preferencies is set out.