Author publications
Nomenclatural changes and taxonomic notes in the tribe Morindeae (Rubiaceae)
RAZAFIMANDIMBISON S. G. & BREMER B. 2011. — Nomenclatural changes and taxonomic notes in the tribe Morindeae (Rubiaceae). Adansonia 2011 (2): 283-309.
New taxa and nomenclatural notes on the flora of the Marojejy Massif, Madagascar. III. Rubiaceae. A new species of Sabicea
RAZAFIMANDIMBISON S. G. & MILLER J. S. 1999. — New taxa and nomenclatural notes on the flora of the Marojejy Massif, Madagascar. III. Rubiaceae. A new species of Sabicea. Adansonia 1999 (1): 41-45.
Three new species of Vanguerieae (Rubiaceae) from Madagascar
LANTZ H., KLACKENBERG J., RAZAFIMANDIMBISON S. G. & MOULY A. 2007. — Three new species of Vanguerieae (Rubiaceae) from Madagascar. Adansonia 2007 (1): 129-136.
A new species of Decarydendron (Monimiaceae) from Madagascar
LORENCE D. H. & RAZAFIMANDIMBISON S. G. 2002. — A new species of Decarydendron (Monimiaceae) from Madagascar. Adansonia 2002 (1): 107-111.
Moringa hildebrandtii (Moringaceae): a tree extinct in the wild but preserved by indigenous horticultural practices in Madagascar
OLSON M. E. & RAZAFIMANDIMBISON S. G. 2000. — Moringa hildebrandtii (Moringaceae): a tree extinct in the wild but preserved by indigenous horticultural practices in Madagascar. Adansonia 2000 (2): 217-221.