Michele ALEFFI
Author publications
New Checklist of the Bryophytes of Italy
ALEFFI M., TACCHI R. & POPONESSI S. 2020. — New Checklist of the Bryophytes of Italy. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2020 (13): 147-195. https://doi.org/10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2020v41a13. http://cryptogamie.com/bryologie/41/13
The Bryophyte Flora of the Vatican City State
ALEFFI M. 2015. — The Bryophyte Flora of the Vatican City State. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2015 (2): 155-169. https://doi.org/10.7872/cryb.v36.iss2.2015.155
Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll. Hal. (Hypopterygiaceae, Bryopsida), new to Italy
ALEFFI M., RICCI S. & TACCHI R. 2010. — Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll. Hal. (Hypopterygiaceae, Bryopsida), new to Italy. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2010 (3): 293-295.
Prof. Carmela Cortini Pedrotti (18 October 1931-29 April 2007)
ALEFFI M. 2009. — Prof. Carmela Cortini Pedrotti (18 October 1931-29 April 2007). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2009 (1): 21-32.
The bryophyte flora of the Gargano Promontory (Apulia, south-eastern Italy)
ALEFFI M., SABOVLJEVIĆ M. S. & TACCHI R. 2009. — The bryophyte flora of the Gargano Promontory (Apulia, south-eastern Italy). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2009 (1): 67-77.
In Memoriam - Carmela Cortini Pedrotti (1931 - 2007) and Creu Casas (1913 - 2007)
ALEFFI M., BRUGUÉS M. & ROS R. M. 2007. — In Memoriam - Carmela Cortini Pedrotti (1931 - 2007) and Creu Casas (1913 - 2007). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2007 (3): 293-294.
Gymnostomum lanceolatum M.J. Cano, Ros & J. Guerra (Pottiaceae, Musci), new to Italy
ALEFFI M., SABOVLJEVIĆ M. S. & TACCHI R. 2004. — Gymnostomum lanceolatum M.J. Cano, Ros & J. Guerra (Pottiaceae, Musci), new to Italy. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2004 (2): 175-177.
Didymodon sicculus M.J. Cano, Ros, García-Zamora & J. Guerra (Pottiaceae, Musci), new to Italy
ALEFFI M., SABOVLJEVIĆ M. S. & TACCHI R. 2003. — Didymodon sicculus M.J. Cano, Ros, García-Zamora & J. Guerra (Pottiaceae, Musci), new to Italy. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2003 (1): 49-51.
Cephaloziella integerrima (Cephaloziellaceae, Marchantiophyta), new for Italy
TACCHI R., PETRAGLIA A. & ALEFFI M. 2014. — Cephaloziella integerrima (Cephaloziellaceae, Marchantiophyta), new for Italy. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2014 (4): 405-408. https://doi.org/10.7872/cryb.v35.iss4.2014.405
Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski, Buczkowska et Odrzykoski (Conocephalaceae, Marchantiophyta), new to Italy
POPONESSI S., ALEFFI M. & VENANZONI R. 2014. — Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski, Buczkowska et Odrzykoski (Conocephalaceae, Marchantiophyta), new to Italy. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2014 (2): 223-226. https://doi.org/10.7872/cryb.v35.iss2.2014.223
Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist
ROS R. M., MAZIMPAKA V., ABOU-SALAMA U., ALEFFI M., BLOCKEEL T. L., BRUGUÉS M., CROS R. M., DIA M. G., DIRKSE G. M., DRAPER I., EL-SAADAWI W., ERDAĞ A., GANEVA A., GABRIEL R. M. d. A., GONZÁLEZ-MANCEBO J. M., GRANGER C., HERRNSTADT I., HUGONNOT V., KHALIL K., KÜRSCHNER H., LOSADA-LIMA A., LUIS L., MIFSUD S. D., PRIVITERA M., PUGLISI M., SABOVLJEVIĆ M. S., SÉRGIO C., SHABBARA H. M., SIM-SIM M., SOTIAUX A., TACCHI R., VANDERPOORTEN A. & WERNER O. 2013. — Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2013 (2): 99-285. https://doi.org/10.7872/cryb.v34.iss2.2013.99
The bryophyte flora of the Asinara Island (northwest Sardinia, Italy)
COGONI A., SCRUGLI A., FLORE F., CORTIS P. & ALEFFI M. 2009. — The bryophyte flora of the Asinara Island (northwest Sardinia, Italy). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2009 (1): 79-89.
Hepatics and Anthocerotes of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist
ROS R. M., MAZIMPAKA V., ABOU-SALAMA U., ALEFFI M., BLOCKEEL T. L., BRUGUÉS M., CANO M. J., CROS R. M., DIA M. G., DIRKSE G. M., EL-SAADAWI W., ERDAĞ A., GANEVA A., GONZÁLEZ-MANCEBO J. M., HERRNSTADT I., KHALIL K., KÜRSCHNER H., LANFRANCO E., LOSADA-LIMA A., REFAI M. S., RODRIGUEZ-NUNEZ S., SABOVLJEVIĆ M. S., SÉRGIO C., SHABBARA H. M., SIM-SIM M. & SODERSTROM L. 2007. — Hepatics and Anthocerotes of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2007 (4): 351-437.
Survey of the bryoflora on Monte Limbara (Northern Sardinia)
COGONI A., FLORE F. & ALEFFI M. 2002. — Survey of the bryoflora on Monte Limbara (Northern Sardinia). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2002 (1): 73-86.