Hugues-Alexandre BLAIN
Author publications
Thematic issue
Les petits vertébrés et la biochronologie, biostratigraphie et paléoécologie du Quaternaire
CUENCA-BESCÓS G., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M. & BLAIN H.-A. (eds) 2016. — Small vertebrates and the biochronology, biostratigraphy, and paleoecology of the Quaternary/Les petits vertébrés et la biochronologie, biostratigraphie et paléoécologie du Quaternaire. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 15 (6), arts 57-71.
Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the late Pleistocene of the “Caverne Marie-Jeanne” (Hastière-Lavaux, Namur, Belgium): Systematics, paleobiogeography, and paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions
FOLIE A., BUFFETAUT, E., BARDET N., HOUSSAYE A., GHEERBRANT E., LAURIN M., BLAIN H.-A., MARTÍNEZ MONZÓN A., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., LOZANO-FERNÁNDEZ I. & FOLIE A. 2019. — Amphibians and squamate reptiles from the late Pleistocene of the “Caverne Marie-Jeanne” (Hastière-Lavaux, Namur, Belgium): Systematics, paleobiogeography, and paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Comptes Rendus Palevol 18 (7): 849-875.
The geographical and chronological pattern of herpetofaunal Pleistocene extinctions on the Iberian Peninsula
BLAIN H.-A., BAILON S. & AGUSTÍ J. 2016. — The geographical and chronological pattern of herpetofaunal Pleistocene extinctions on the Iberian Peninsula. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (6): 731-744.
Middle to Late Pleistocene herpetofauna from Scladina and Sous-Saint-Paul caves (Namur, Belgium)
BLAIN H.-A., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., CORDY J.-M., PIRSON S., ABRAMS G., DI MODICA K. & BONJEAN D. 2014. — Middle to Late Pleistocene herpetofauna from Scladina and Sous-Saint-Paul caves (Namur, Belgium). Comptes Rendus Palevol 13 (8): 681-690.
First report of a green toad ( Bufo viridis sensu lato) in the Early Pleistocene of Spain: Palaeobiogeographical and palaeoecological implications
BLAIN H.-A., GIBERT L. & FERRÀNDEZ-CAÑADELL C. 2010. — First report of a green toad ( Bufo viridis sensu lato) in the Early Pleistocene of Spain: Palaeobiogeographical and palaeoecological implications. Comptes Rendus Palevol 9 (8): 487-497.
Première mise en évidence fossile du chioglosse portugais Chioglossa lusitanica (Amphibia, Caudata) et son implication pour l’histoire biogéographique de l’espèce
BLAIN H.-A., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., CUENCA-BESCÓS G., ALONSO C., VAQUERO M. & ALONSO S. 2009. — Première mise en évidence fossile du chioglosse portugais Chioglossa lusitanica (Amphibia, Caudata) et son implication pour l’histoire biogéographique de l’espèce. Comptes Rendus Palevol 8 (8): 693-703.
Anurans and squamate reptiles from the latest early Pleistocene of Almenara-Casablanca-3 (Castellón, East of Spain). Systematic, climatic and environmental considerations
BLAIN H.-A., BAILON S. & AGUSTÍ J. 2007. — Anurans and squamate reptiles from the latest early Pleistocene of Almenara-Casablanca-3 (Castellón, East of Spain). Systematic, climatic and environmental considerations. Geodiversitas 2007 (2): 269-295.
Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3
VAQUERO M., VAN DER MADE J., BLAIN H.-A., IBÁÑEZ N., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., RIVALS F., ALONSO S., AMEIJENDA A., BENNÀSAR M., FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA M., DE LOMBERA-HERMIDA A. & VALVERDE I. 2018. — Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (8): 557-593.
Cold-climate rodent indicators for the Late Pleistocene of Central Iberia: New data from the Buena Pinta Cave (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid Region, Spain)
LAPLANA C., SEVILLA P., BLAIN H.-A., ARRIAZA M. C., ARSUAGA J. L., PÉREZ-GONZÁLEZ A. & BAQUEDANO E. 2016. — Cold-climate rodent indicators for the Late Pleistocene of Central Iberia: New data from the Buena Pinta Cave (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid Region, Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (6): 696-706.
Small vertebrates and the biochronology, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Quaternary
CUENCA-BESCÓS G., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M. & BLAIN H.-A. 2016. — Les petits vertébrés et la biochronologie, la biostratigraphie et la paléoécologie du Quaternaire. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (6): 615-619.
Updated Atapuerca biostratigraphy: Small-mammal distribution and its implications for the biochronology of the Quaternary in Spain
CUENCA-BESCÓS G., BLAIN H.-A., ROFES J., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., LOZANO-FERNÁNDEZ I., GALÁN J. & NÚÑEZ-LAHUERTA C. 2016. — Updated Atapuerca biostratigraphy: Small-mammal distribution and its implications for the biochronology of the Quaternary in Spain. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (6): 621-634.
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Early Pleistocene site of Quibas (SE Spain) using a rodent assemblage
PIÑERO P., AGUSTÍ J., BLAIN H.-A. & LAPLANA C. 2016. — Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Early Pleistocene site of Quibas (SE Spain) using a rodent assemblage. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (6): 659-668.
New data on Sicilian prehistoric and historic evolution in a mountain context, Vallone Inferno (Scillato, Italy)
FORGIA V., MARTÍN P., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., OLLÉ A., VERGÈS J. M., ALLUÉ E., ANGELUCCI D. E., ARNONE M., BLAIN H.-A., BURJACHS F., EXPÓSITO I., MESSINA A., PICORNELL L., RODRÍGUEZ A., SCOPELLITI G., SINEO L., VIRRUSO G., ALESSI E., DI SIMONE G., MORALES J. I., PAGANO E. & BELVEDERE O. 2013. — New data on Sicilian prehistoric and historic evolution in a mountain context, Vallone Inferno (Scillato, Italy). Comptes Rendus Palevol 12 (2): 115-126.
Climate and landscape during the Last Glacial Maximum in southwestern Iberia: The small-vertebrate association from the Sala de las Chimeneas, Maltravieso, Extremadura
BAÑULS CARDONA S., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J. M., BLAIN H.-A. & CANALS SALOMÓ A. 2012. — Climate and landscape during the Last Glacial Maximum in southwestern Iberia: The small-vertebrate association from the Sala de las Chimeneas, Maltravieso, Extremadura. Comptes Rendus Palevol 11 (1): 31-40.