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Un genre nouveau et une espèce nouvelle de crevette Pontoniinae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) associée à des hydroïdes (Hydroidea, Plumularidae) au Vietnam

Article - Zoosystema 29 (4) - 28/12/2007

organizing fieldwork in Vietnam; Dr Alexander Bruce (Queensland Museum, Brisbane), and an anonymous reviewer ...

Comportement grégaire chez des nymphes de perce-oreilles (Insecta, Dermaptera) du Crétacé du Sud-Ouest de la France

Article - Geodiversitas 31 (1) - 27/03/2009

anonymous reviewer for comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Partial support for this study was ...

Lobetelson mclaughlinae n. gen., n. sp., un genre et une espèce nouveaux de malacostracé Belotelsonidae du Pennsylvanien de la région de Mazon Creek

Article - Zoosystema 28 (2) - 30/06/2006

with photography and fi gure production. Rod Feldmann reviewed the draft manuscript and off ered helpful ...

Une nouvelle espèce de Stratiotes Thomson, 1899 (Anomura, Paguroidea, Diogenidae) de l’Est-Pacifique tropical

Article - Zoosystema 28 (2) - 30/06/2006

Stratiotes has been reported for the eastern or western Atlantic. While reviewing material identifi ed by the ...

Le gisement de vertébrés pliocènes de Çalta, Ankara, Turquie. 2. Aves: Struthionidae

Article - Geodiversitas 20 (3) - 30/09/1998

criticisms as well as the reviewers of this paper, Cécile Mourer-Chauviré and Philippa Haarhoff. Photographs ...

Redécouverte du matériel type d’ Eryon cuvieri Desmarest, 1817 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Eryonidae) et conséquences nomenclaturales

Article - Geodiversitas 34 (4) - 28/12/2012

crustacean fauna: review of the types from old descriptions. Part I. Infraorders Astacidea, Thalassinidea, ...

L'animal en tant que richesse durant l'Âge du Fer en Afrique: les origines d'une structuration sociale?

Article - Anthropozoologica 16 - 01/10/1992

Current Swedish Archaeology Research in Africa, Norwegian Archaeology Review 17 (1): 60-63. SINCLAIR ...

Animals, ritual and power in ancient Samnium

Article - Anthropozoologica NS (3) - 01/08/1989

Review, 18: 143-150. '· BARKER G. (1988): The archaeology of the Etruscan Countryside, Antiquity, 62: ...

Taxonomic studies on Thai Anthocerotophyta II. The genus Notothylas (notothyladaceae)

Article - Cryptogamie, Bryologie 36 (3) - 31/07/2015

(notothyladaceae) 22 DOI: 10.7872/cryb/v36.iss3.2015.251 The genus notothylas Sull. in Thailand is reviewed, based ...

Phylogeny and taxonomy of Climacocystis (Polyporales) in China

Article - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 35 (3) - 26/09/2014

has been comprehensively reviewed by Dai (2012). Climacocystis borealis was reported as an uncommon ...
