
Phylogenetic studies on Bonomyces (Tricholomatineae, Agaricales) and two new combinations from Clitocybe

Pablo ALVARADO, Pierre-Arthur MOREAU, Ertugrul SESLI, Louis Younis KHODJA, Marco CONTU & Alfredo VIZZINI

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 39 (2) - Pages 149-168

Publié le 29 juin 2018

Phylogenetic studies on Bonomyces (Tricholomatineae, Agaricales) and two new combinations from Clitocybe

Genus Bonomyces is here reviewed. Multigene phylogenetic analysis suggests it is related with Cleistocybe in the Tricholomatineae. Morphological and genetical studies led to a new interpretation of the type species, B. sinopicus (=C. subsinopica), and the new combinations B. afrosinopicus and B. arnoldii.

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