Late Miocene Conidae of Crete (Greece) have recently been evaluated for the genera Conilithes and Conus (Kalloconus). We continue this first inventory of the Miocene Conidae from Crete by discussing the genera Conus (Lautoconus), Conus (Stephanoconus), Conus (Plagioconus) and two species, not attributed to a subgenus of Conus. With the use of UV light, we recognized 17 species, of which five are new: Conus (Lautoconus) ictini sp. nov., Conus (Lautoconus) lauriatragei sp. nov., Conus (Lautoconus) damianakisi sp. nov., Conus (Stephanoconus) moissettei sp. nov. and Conus davolii sp. nov. Six species are first reported in the Late Miocene of Greece: Conus (Lautoconus) cf. baldichieri Borson, 1820, Conus (Stephanoconus) cf. taurinensis Bellardi & Michelotti, 1841, Conus fuscocingulatus Hörnes 1851, Conus (Plagioconus) elatus Michelotti, 1847 and Conus (Plagioconus) aquensis d’Orbigny, 1852. Six species are left in open nomenclature.