We describe two new species of Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827, each from the Indian states of Meghalaya and Mizoram based on morphology and ND2 gene sequences. The new species are a part of the Cyrtodactylus khasiensis group. Both species represent the highland clade within the south of Brahmaputra clade of Indo-Burmese Cyrtodactylus. Based on ND2 gene sequence, the species from Meghalaya have an uncorrected p-distance of 4.21%–4.25% from a lowland species C. guwahatiensis Agarwal, Mahony, Giri, Chaitanya & Bauer, 2018 and is a sister taxon to C. septentrionalis Agarwal, Mahony, Giri, Chaitanya & Bauer, 2018. The species from Mizoram differ from its sister species C. bengkhuaiai Purkayastha, Lalremsanga, Bohra, Biakzuala, Decemson, Muansanga, Vabeiryureilai, Chauhan & Rathee, 2021 by a p-distance of 8.33%.