
Revision of Chinese mainland Hybovalgus Kolbe, 1904, with description of a new species, and Excisivalgus Endrödi, 1952 reduced to synonymy with Hybovalgus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)


en European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 (340) - Pages 1-32 (EJT-340)

Publié le 01 août 2017

Revision of Chinese mainland Hybovalgus Kolbe, 1904, with description of a new species, and Excisivalgus Endrödi, 1952 reduced to synonymy with Hybovalgus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

The genus Hybovalgus Kolbe, 1904 is represented by eight species on the Chinese mainland, many of which also inhabit northern Vietnam and Laos. Species of Hybovalgus are endemic to this area, and to the island of Taiwan. Until now, there is a lot of confusion in our knowledge of Hybovalgus on mainland China, due to erroneous descriptions of new species by European entomologists and incorrect identifications of specimens by local entomologists. Study of more material and many types has clarified this situation by better defining the species, synonymizing some of them, describing one new species, Hybovalgus calvus sp. nov. and recognizing the fact that females of two species were included in the new genus Excisivalgus Endrödi, 1952, which is here synonymized with Hybovalgus.

Mots-clés :

Cetoniinae, Hybovalgus, Excisivalgus, new synonym, new species.

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