Fungivorous gall midges of the subfamilies Lestremiinae, Micromyinae, Winnertziinae and Porricondylinae were largely neglected in previous inventories of the Diptera faunas of the Czech and Slovak Republics. A taxonomic-faunistic study focusing on these subfamilies identified a total of 80 species, of which 49 are new records for the Czech Republic and 33 are new records for Slovakia. Species that have never before been found in central Europe are Aprionus dalarnensis Mamaev, 1998, A. oligodactylus Jaschhof, 2009, A. pigmentalis Mamaev, 1998, Asynapta inflata Spungis, 1988, Camptomyia gigantea Spungis, 1989, Cassidoides fulviventris (Mamaev, 1964), Claspettomyia hamata (Felt, 1907), Dendrepidosis longipennis (Spungis, 1981), Dicerura dispersa Jaschhof, 2013, Divellepidosis lutescens (Spungis, 1981), D. pallescens (Panelius, 1965), D. vulgata Jaschhof, 2013, Ekmanomyia svecica Jaschhof, 2013, Holoneurus ciliatus Kieffer, 1896, Monepidosis pectinatoides Jaschhof, 2013, Neocolpodia gukasiani (Mamaev, 1990), Neurolyga acuminata Jaschhof, 2009, Neurolyga interrupta Jaschhof, 2009, Parepidosis planistylata Jaschhof, 2013, Peromyia bidentata Berest, 1988, Porricondyla errabunda Mamaev, 2001, P. microgona Jaschhof, 2013, P. tetraschistica Mamaev, 1988, Schistoneurus irregularis Mamaev, 1964, Spungisomyia fenestrata Jaschhof, 2013, S. media (Spungis, 1981), Tetraneuromyia lamellata Spungis, 1987, T. lenticularis (Spungis, 1987), and Winnertzia parvispina Jaschhof, 2013. A new genus including a single new species of Porricondylini is described and named Glossostyles perspicua Jaschhof & Sikora gen. et sp. nov. on the basis of specimens collected in the Czech Republic and Sweden. Adult morphology suggests that Glossostyles gen. nov. is a close relative of Claspettomyia Grover, 1964.
Palaearctic region, central Europe, new genus, new species, new faunistic records.