
Revalidation of Acanthinozodium Denis, 1966 with description of three new species and discovery of a remarkable male palpal character (Araneae, Zodariidae)


en European Journal of Taxonomy 2015 (114) - Pages 1-23 (EJT-114)

Publié le 04 mars 2015

Revalidation of Acanthinozodium Denis, 1966 with description of three new species and discovery of a remarkable male palpal character (Araneae, Zodariidae)

The genus name Acanthinozodium Denis, 1966 is considered available and valid, with A. spinulosum Denis, 1966 as its type species. The genus is characterized by the presence of ventral rows of long setae on the femora, large anterior median eyes and a large, dorsal, crater-like pit on the cymbium. Zodariellum Andreeva & Tyschenko, 1968 is removed from its synonymy and now only contains its type species Z. surprisum Andreeva & Tyschenko, 1968. Three new Acanthinozodium species are described: A. crateriferum sp. nov. (♂♀) from Ethiopia, A. sahelense sp. nov. (♂♀) from a wide range in the Sahel region and A. quercicola sp. nov. (♂) from Morocco. The genus appears to have a large distribution in and around the Sahara. The possible function of the cymbial pit is discussed.

Mots-clés :

Name availability, mating plug, Sahel region, Zodarion, Zodariellum.

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