
Epiphytic communities of open habitats in the western Tian-Shan Mts (Middle Asia: Kyrgyzstan)

Arkadiusz NOWAK, Vítězslav PLÁŠEK, Marcin NOBIS & Sylwia NOWAK

en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37 (4) - Pages 415-433

Publié le 28 octobre 2016

Epiphytic communities of open habitats in the western Tian-Shan Mts (Middle Asia: Kyrgyzstan)

The paper presents the results of bryosociological research conducted on the epiphytic vegetation in the western Tian-Shan Mountains in 2013. The surveys on epiphytic bryophyte and lichen communities were done on 115 sites with different quantity of trees (solitary, in alleys or wood plots along river valleys) distributed in several mountain ranges within study area. In total 21 epiphytic moss species were found during research which composes characteristic species combinations making apparent difference between associations. As a result of field research and numerical analyses, three separate groups of samples corresponding to seven associations and one community within three alliances: Ulotion crispae and Syntrichion laevipilae (Frullanio dilatatae-Leucodontetea sciuroidis class) as well as Neckerion complanatae (Neckeretea complanatae class) have been distinguished.Asynopsis of the epiphytic moss communities is proposed. The most interesting is the association of Orthotrichetum crenulati which is described here for the first time. Two species of epiphytic mosses (Orthotrichum crenulatum and O. pallens) are new to Kyrgyzstan.

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