Sixteen species of liverworts, two of which are represented by non-type varieties only, are reported for the first time from subantarctic Macquarie Island. These are Acrobolbus cinerascens (Lehm.) Schiffn., A. ochrophyllus (Hook.f. et Taylor) R.M.Schust., Andrewsianthus marionensis (S.W.Arnell) Grolle, Cephaloziella varians (Gottsche) Steph., Cryptolophocolea mitteniana (Colenso) L.Söderstr. var. obtusa (J.J.Engel) L.Söderstr., Herbertus oldfieldianus (Steph.) Rodway, Herzogobryum atrocapillum (Hook.f. et Taylor) Grolle, Isotachis montana Colenso, Lepidozia obtusiloba Steph., Lophocolea novaezeelandiae (Lehm.) Nees var. grandistipula (Schiffn.) Váňa, comb. nov., L. semiteres (Lehm.) Mitt., Metzgeria flavovirens Colenso, Radula aneurismalis (Hook.f. et Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees, Schistochila altissima E.A.Hodgs., Syzygiella teres (Carrington et Pearson) Váňa and Temnoma quadripartitum (Hook.) Mitt. Considering these records, the liverwort flora of Macquarie Island now totals 62 species and, after South Georgia, it is the second richest flora of hepatics in the Subantarctic. One additional new combination, Lophocolea novaezeelandiae var. meridionalis (Steph.) Váňa, comb. nov., is proposed.