Accueil > Périodiques > Cryptogamie, Bryologie > 31 (4) > New localities of the rare liverwort Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. (Metzgeriales, Marchantiophyta) in Poland (Pieninski National Park, Western Carpathians)
New localities of the rare liverwort Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. (Metzgeriales, Marchantiophyta) in Poland (Pieninski National Park, Western Carpathians)
New localities of the rare liverwort Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. (Metzgeriales, Marchantiophyta) in Poland (Pieninski National Park, Western Carpathians)
Some new localities of the rare liverwort Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. were found in the Pieninski National Park (Western Carpathians). A detailed list of localities and phytosociological relevés of the stands are presented.
MIERZENSKA M. & VONCINA G. 2010. — New localities of the rare liverwort Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. (Metzgeriales, Marchantiophyta) in Poland (Pieninski National Park, Western Carpathians). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2010 (4): 305-312.