
Outlines of the bryophyte vegetation of the Circeo National Park (central Italy)


en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 30 (1) - Pages 91-107

Publié le 30 janvier 2009

Outlines of the bryophyte vegetation of the Circeo National Park (central Italy)

The results of a phytosociological study on the bryophyte communities occurring in the Circeo National Park are given. The bryophyte associations surveyed are referred to the bryosociological classes Cladonio-Lepidozietea reptantis, Barbuletea unguiculatae, Grimmietea anodontis, Frullanio dilatatae-Leucodontetea sciuroidis, Neckeretea complanatae and to the class of vascular plants but more or less rich in bryophytes Lemnetea minoris. The associations Fossombronio angulosae-Phaeocerotetum bulbiculosi, Eurhynchietum praelongi, Aulacomnietum androgyny, Gyroweisio reflexae-Southbyetum nigrellae, are reported for the first time in Italy. Moreover, the new subassociations fissidentetosum taxifolii of the Selaginello denticulatae-Timmielletum barbuloides and drepanocladetosum adunci of the Anomodonto viticulosi-Leucodontetum sciuroidis are described.

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