
Liverworts and hornworts of Shangsi County of Guangxi (Kwangsi), with an updated checklist of the hepatic flora of Guangxi Province of China

Rui-Liang ZHU & May Ling SO

en Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24 (4) - Pages 319-334

Publié le 31 octobre 2003

Liverworts and hornworts of Shangsi County of Guangxi (Kwangsi), with an updated checklist of the hepatic flora of Guangxi Province of China

Guangxi (Kwangsi), one of China’s five autonomous provinces, is located between 20º54’-26º23’ N and 104º28’-112º04’ E. A hepatic checklist of the province comprising 225 species (excluding one nom. nud. and a doubtful species) belonging to 58 genera and 32 families is provided based on all published literature and our recent studies of specimens, including a field collection from Shangsi County in southwestern Guangxi. The largest family is Lejeuneaceae, with 58 species in 15 genera.The genera with over 10 species are Cololejeunea (22 spp., excluding one nom. nud.), Frullania (22 spp.), Plagiochila (21 spp., excluding a doubtful species), Radula (14 spp.), Bazzania (13 spp.) and Jungermannia (11 spp.). Twenty-four species are new records for this province. Thirty species are added to the epiphyllous flora of the province and a total of 38 species of epiphyllous liverworts are known from this province. Cheilolejeunea khasiana (Mitt.) N.Kitag. and Leucolejeunea turgida (Mitt.) Verd. are newly reported as an epiphyllous record. An intensive field search reveals Cheilolejeunea gaoi R.L.Zhu et al., a liverwort endemic to Guangxi, is extremely rare and the continued existence of the species may be threatened.

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