WYNNE Michael J. — Portraits of marine algae: an historical perspective. Ann Arbor (Michigan), University of Michigan Herbarium, 2006, viii + 180 p., 84 pl. (The University of Michigan Herbarium, Attn. : Algae book, 3600 Varsity Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108-2287, USA, ISBN 0962073377, US$44.00).
COESEL P. F. M. and MEESTERS K. J. – Desmids of the Lowlands. Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands. Zeist, The Netherlands, KNNV Publishing, 2007, 351 p. (ISBN 978 90 5011 265 9. Price: € 89.95. Contact: info@knnvuitgeverij.nl).