Publié le 10 juin 2009
The Mémoires du Muséum publish the seventh volume of the series Zoologia Neocaledonica, dealing with the study of the fauna of New Caledonia, one of the «hot spots» of biodiversity in the Southern hemisphere. More than ever, the study of biodiversity in this megadiverse island is a current question. On the one hand, a growing number of molecular phylogenies bring crucial information about the origin and the evolution of local biodiversity. On the other hand, this biodiversity is more and more threatened by multiple landscape use and its deleterious consequences. In this context, systematic studies such as those from Zoologia Neocaledonica are strongly needed as both a background and a primary source of knowledge, invaluable for evolutionary studies and land management policies. This volume comprises 11 contributions bearing on Lizards, Snakes, Molluscs and diverse Arthropods, with the description of more than 26 species as new for Science, taking into account 160 taxa from New Caledonia.
Philippe Grandcolas, Directeur de recherche CNRS at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, studies the phylogeny and the evolution of Insects. He has been in charge of teams, programs and grants devoted to the study of New Caledonian biodiversity.
GRANDCOLAS P. (ed.) 2008 — Zoologia Neocaledonica 7: Biodiversity studies in New Caledonia. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 440 p. (Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle ; 198).