Publié le 15 mai 1998
The Peri-Tethys Programme, started in 1993, examines the influence of Tethyan evolution on the bordering cratons since its birth (through the break-up of Pangea), its life (by the extension and formation of oceanic seaways) and finally its death (by collision between the main bordering plates which led to inversion within the epicratonic basins). The Peri-Tethys Memoir 3 is subdivided into two parts which correspond to the two great geographic areas involved in the Program: the Northern platform (9 papers) and Southern platform (4 papers). The first phase of the Program is based on the research in the eastern countries and particularly in the New Independent States. This is reflected in the contents of this volume. The first four papers concern stratigraphy and correlation problems in Ukraine and Russia from the Upper Carboniferous to Jurassic. The next three are on paleostress problems of the Crimea- Caucasus and Moesia. The final two on the Northern platform present the tectonic history of the Scythian platform and Black Sea region. For the Southern platform, the first paper describes the Triassic series on the Saharan Platform in Algeria (Peri-Tethyan onlaps and related structuration). The topics of the second paper are the Jurassic and Neogene sedimentation in Eritrea; the last two papers deal with paleostress evolution in Tunisia since the Permian; and the structural inherence and kinematics of folding and thrusting along the front of the eastern Atlas Mountains (Algeria and Tunisia).
Sylvie Crasquin-Soleau and Éric Barrier (CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) coordinated this volume which arose from the International Peri-Tethys Meeting held in Milano (June 1995).
CRASQUIN-SOLEAU S. & BARRIER É. (eds) 1998 — Peri-Tethys Memoir 3: Stratigraphy and Evolution of Peri-Tethyan Platforms. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 262 p. (Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle ; 177).